“The city of Algeciras enjoys a privileged location that has marked its history. Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs were aware of the importance of this harbour and its trade routes.
During prehistory, its waters witnessed the arrival of seamen from the East, who disembarked on the coast in search of metals, resources and other produce from the area.
Due to its strategic location for military control of the Strait of Gibraltar and as the gateway for accessing Africa or Europe, Algeciras enjoyed in ancient times great fame among the different civilizations seeking to dominate it”.
These are paragraphs that can be found in any history textbook, a living snapshot that we can perceive by just looking out the window.
Thousands of seafarers continue to wash up on these shores … modern civilizations still strive to control this trade route … How little has the strategic importance of our port and bay changed over the centuries, yet how many entrepreneurs have contributed to this great legacy to create the reality inherited by the companies making up our Port Community as members of COMPORT.
With enviable figures in terms of business activity and growth, as well as an indisputable future, Algeciras Bay Port is a safe bet for any company in the maritime and multimodal transport sector.
The Algeciras Bay Port Community Association is fully aware of this and so we shall never cease to strive not only to make ourselves worthy of his legacy but also to improve on it and fulfil our obligation vis-à-vis the generations to come.
With over 100,000 vessels traversing the Strait and almost 30,000 vessels calling in every year, success is assured thanks to the considerable investments allowing the huge scale of our port facilities and further business opportunities year after year. And along this path to success, a port community, a solid group of professionals, an effective response.
The delicate moment our economies are currently going through is only a spur, if that were needed, for the entrepreneurs of our Port Community to join their efforts and continue sailing full steam ahead and overcome, through hard work, dedication, courage and valour, any adversity that may arise in the demanding and competitive world of the seaport business. These times call for the maximum effort, enthusiasm and union, and we at COMPORT fully believe in and firmly support these virtues.