Collection and transport of hazardous and non-hazardous goods and residues. Environmental monitoring and surveillance of port activities. Authorized Marpol service company at ports (Reception of residues from vessels) Warehouse for chemical products and hazardous residues.
We have treatment plants that transforms oily residues to fuel oil suitable for boilers use.
Logistic experts since 20 years ago, now we are specialized in dangerous goods, providing a logistics centre for the storage and distribution of dangerous goods, operating 24/7. Besides,our warehouse is a customs warehouse as well. With a first phase of 1,000 m2, we are located in a 4,000 m2 plot for future extensions.
Datos de contacto
DOMICILIO: Pol. Ind. Cortijo Real, Avenida Algeciras nº 5 . 11206 Algeciras.
TEL: +34 956 651 0105